The ''Humans of Rwanda'' Project Presentation at kLab
Venue kLab- 6th Floor Telecom House
Date July 30th, 2015
Time 4 p.m. (45 minutes)

The ''Humans of Rwanda'' project is summer school project by Patrick Niyongabo. Funded by the Hendrix College Odyssey Office, this project is an attempt to explore how the Rwandan society is evolving over time, and to use social media influence to contribute to the ever changing image of Rwanda. Inspired by Brandon Stanton, the founder of the Humans of New York project, Patrick Niyongabo has been combining photography and his digital skills to generate a particularly similar experience for his project’s audience.

The Rwandan society has proven itself to be united and self-reliant by blossoming economically and culturally. As a Rwandan, he acknowledges that, and he is proud of all his country’s achievements. But he thinks that it is just a beginning, and that is why, through this project, he would like to contribute in increasing the Rwandan social and cultural presence on the World Wide Web.

Do not miss,Patrick Niyongabo's presentation in kLab.